The Project Planning and Implementation:
COST Trust design projects in consultation with its target groups and project Team and its members. In every meeting the issues found are discussed and analysing the feed backs of field staff. If data deemed highly important and falls with its vision, mission and objectives projects will be developed adopting participatory approach. The members COST Trust will seek sources and to execute project as per strategies developed to implement and attain the sustainability of the project. Needed staff with needed qualification will be selected and the target group’s incorporation will be ensured in implementation of the project. Generally the filed staff will absorb from the project area for follow up and keep the impact the project achieved.
Staff Capacity Building:
The field staffs are given capacity building training once in 3 months. The resource persons from various departments, institutions, organizations that have rich expertise in the subject will be utilized to develop the capacity of the staff. And so the staffs are sent to capacity building training programmes in their relative fields organised by reputed institutions. This would promote their confidence and ability to cope with the field problems.
Reporting, Monitoring and Evaluation Programme Management:
Daily Diary:
COST Trust made a policy of maintaining daily Diary in its office and branch Offices, each day. Special instructions and guidance are provided to record daily works and expenses occurred for the management of office and project expenses.
Weekly Review, Monitoring:
The project coordinator conducts weekly review and planning meeting for the field staff on every Saturday. Then with the consolidated report they present the work report in weekly review and planning meeting, which is held in the Head Office. COST TRUST Director, along with other project coordinators, attend the meeting provide valuable guidance and suggestion in the meeting, which is documented in weekly minutes file.
Monthly Review:
All the project coordinators collect the monthly reports from the field staff, consolidate them, and submit consolidated monthly report to the COST TRUST Director at the end of each month. Similarly, submit the monthly plan to the COST TRUST Head Office each month. The director and the board of members review and plan for further development of the project. By having records and documents evaluation of the project and report of the progress of the project is sent to donor as advised by them.
Financial Management Structure:
It has well-established administrative staff structure to document financial aspects and submit statements to various donors and government authorities. Project coordinator submits a fortnightly financial requirement and funds to be allotted in advance. They submit their requirements twice in a month and funds are released as advance by the finance department. The project coordinators submit accounts for the amount spent every month supported by valid vouchers and bills to tally the accounts. The project director reviews and verifies the finance flow with the help of Finance Monitoring committee comprising the project director and accounts department officials. Every quarter internal account statements are prepared and reviewed during the financial monitoring committee meeting. Half-yearly unaudited accounts statements are prepared for the donor and so Annual accounts audited by the charted accountant.
The organization ensures transparency among the staff in the finance management. The progress reports as well as unaudited accounts statement will be sent to the funding agency once in 6 months and annual report once in a year. Project officer will prepare Annual project reports and financial report at the end of each year. The organization will also prepare consolidated annual reports for the period of April 1st to March 31st of every year.
Concurrent evaluation is done by the organisation once in a year. Funding agencies do evaluation either as short term, mid-term or at the end of the project period.
Annual Review and Planning Meeting:
Each year, generally in the last quarter, the project director along with the all the staff conducts annual review of previous year activities and planning for the next year. Then the plans are further divided into monthly plans and weekly plans.
Strategic Planning:
It is arranged once in 3 years in which the project coordinator of all the projects are attending the strategic plan meeting, in which the organization polices, core values, organisation culture are discussed amendments are made in the needed areas. Thus the reporting monitoring evaluation is done daily weekly, monthly, quarterly, half yearly. It is following systematic approach in project development and implementation. The COST TRUST Director is directly involved in all the process. In the absence of him, the project monitoring and evaluation team is doing the work; submit the reports to COST TRUST Director.